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Case Study for Customizable Products

Consider these two facts:


We live in a society that has figured out how to mass produce things, but not everybody wants the same thing.  This means that excess has to be produced, and the leftovers are either sold at discount, re-purposed, or even burned or sent to landfills.

Probably one of the largest choices when purchasing cars/clothing, or even flooring, is

“What color is it?”

If you need a new pair of black pants, it really doesn’t matter how much they discount the orange pants.  You know what you want.  In fact, you probably would even consider paying a little bit more if you could find the EXACT color you are looking for.  Same goes for vehicles.  We’ve all been there where we loved everything about the vehicle that the salesperson is showing you, except that it’s a terrible color.

Based upon these case studies, it is safe to assume that every year millions of square feet of pre-colored flooring goes unsold and is either heavily discounted or thrown away.

What if your wood flooring supplier stocked several simple sizes of plank, and offered custom pre-finishing to the color of your choice?   And they did it with zero VOC finishes, on a healthy wood floor, that would last for generations to come?  Could you get on-board (no pun intended) with that?

We understand that we can’t fix all of the world’s problems at once, but we can all do SOMETHING.  Often it starts with the little things.

Castle Bespoke Flooring means totally customizable, healthy wood plank flooring…simply.

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Castle Bespoke listens. We hear it from our customers over and over again. Let us help you create your dream floor, your showpiece. Contact us now and get the process started. We make it easy and enjoyable to create a custom, sustainable wood floor.